At denkmal anniversary - 14th Presentation of denkmal Gold Medals to 10 Winners
They are an integral part of the 30-year denkmal tradition: the much wanted gold medals of the leading European Trade Fair for Monument Conservation, Restoration and Old Building Renovation. This year, for the 14th time, they were awarded to ten denkmal exhibitors for their outstanding achievements in the preservation of historical monuments in Europe.
International experts from the heritage sector have once again announced their decision at denkmal this week. The jury honored ten exhibitors at the leading European Trade Fair for Monument Conservation, Restoration and Old Building Renovation for their outstanding achievements in European monument conservation. “It is a great honor to receive this award today,” said Raquel Martin Ayuso, Head of Cultural Sales at the Fundación Real Fábrica de Tapices. The Madrid-based foundation was recognized for its international commitment combined with an innovative range of traditional, sustainable, artisanal and restoration services. Martin Ayuso reveals how important the medal is to her and her foundation: “The medal is an unexpected surprise and simply amazing. It recognizes the work of our master weavers and restorers that we represent and the important work of our historical institution. The medal will be displayed in our office library”
The Federal Association of German Stonemasons BIV of the German stonemasonry and stone carving trade received denkmal gold medal for the outstanding and lively presentation of craftsmanship and restoration work in a trade that is important for the preservation of cultural heritage. The Deputy Federal Guild Master, Frank Schuster, also commented after the award ceremony: “The gold medal is a great recognition of the work we have done here at our stand. As the awarding body of the Peter Parler Prize, we are delighted to be able to be a prizewinner ourselves. Especially when it is the denkmal gold medal, which is very important to us. It will be given a place of honor in our rooms - as it is the second denkmal gold medal, it will be in good company.”
All ten winners are listed here:
BEECK Colour Plant [BEECK'sche Farbwerke GmbH]
for the product range based on classic coating technologies and their presentation
Saxony Monument Network [Denkmalnetz Sachsen]
for the networking of civic activities around the preservation of monuments and their role as catalysts for state institutions
German Society for Mill Science and Conservation [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung (DGM) e.V.]
for the civic engagement, the vivid presentation and modern mediation methods
Federal Association of German Stonemasons BIV des Deutschen Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauerhandwerks [Bundesverband Deutscher Steinmetze BIV des Deutschen Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauerhandwerks]
for the outstanding and lively presentation of craftsmanship and restoration work in a craft that is important for the preservation of our cultural heritage.
for its international commitment in conjunction with an innovative range of traditional, sustainable, artisanal and restoration services
Cla Building Materials Schleusner & Sons [Lehmbaustoffe Schleusner & Söhne GmbH]
for the appealing presentation of clay as a sustainable building material and for their pioneering production of clay building products
Joint Stand: G3C, Villa Design Company, ETS consult, LABORATOIRE PUBLIC D'ESSAIS ET D'ETUDES, ENAM - École Nationale d'Architecture Marrakech
for the great presentation of their cultural heritage and the vivid representation of Moroccan clay building construction
District Craftsmen's Association Meißen Region
for the reception of impulses from the preservation of historical monuments for the development of groundbreaking innovations for general craft practice at the Innovation Academy of Crafts, Riesa.
Fahnen Fassmann Plauen Stick & Druck Manufaktur e.K.
für die qualitätvolle Ausübung und kontinuierliche Weitergabe der Erfahrungen jahrhundertealten Gewerks der Paramentenkunst
Glasbiegerei Pfaltz Die Glasmanufaktur e.K.
für die individuelle, in Handarbeit erfolgende Anfertigung gebogener Glasscheiben höchster Passgenauigkeit und Qualität
Das denkmal - Team beglückwünscht alle Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner und freut sich auf ein Wiedersehen in 2026!