denkmal international… exhibitor highlights
Conserving cultural heritage is – of course – a quite international business. The denkmal trade fair reflects this with its around 360 exhibitors of which 15 per cent are coming from countries outside Germany. Let us introduce you to some of our exhibitors, whose way to Leipzig crosses borders. They come from neighboring countries such as Czech Republic or Switzerland, as well as from countries that are far more away such as China. Get to know what they have in store for Leipzig.
NEBESYS have developed a roof system whose most important cause is its invisibility. Due to the strict regulations of the monument protection authorities it is not possible to simply insert windows in any roof. The same applies everywhere, including Czech Republic, where NEBESYS have their headquarter and where they research and produce. To solve the problem, they have found a way to make tiles transparent. From the outside the roof appears in its ancient style. From the inside you may enjoy the view and the sunlight. Check out the impressive picture attached!

The planned Csíksomlyó Ethnographic Memorial and Adventure Park provides exciting impressions of Romania. A town and a village from the early 20th century are planned here, as well as a detailed description of activities in the countryside. The park also promises a world-record-breaking collection of 117 artefacts from the craft sector.
Construction in existing buildings in Poland and Latvia
When dealing with protected buildings, customised windows and doors are not uncommon. Manufacturers such as Hansen Millenium from Poland offer excellent systems for aluminium windows and doors in order to match them faithfully to the originals. These are easy to bend, can fulfil many complicated shapes and at the same time offer good basic thermal properties. For roofers, the Polish company Heritage Ceramics is presenting a range of new products. Among the roof tiles that are particularly suitable for renovating historical roofs are ‘Märkische Dachziegel’, which are mainly used in western Poland and impress with their unique colouring.
This year, the Riga Art and Media School (RMMT) from the Latvian capital will once again be demonstrating the design possibilities offered by craftsmanship. Whether individual furniture design and outstanding restoration or artistic metalwork - the students of the university are known for their first-class craftsmanship and regularly present their work at denkmal in Leipzig.
From the Alps to the far east
Cleaning after the damage is done – Novosan from Switzerland has found a solution that doesn’t require soap, chemicals or any other material that ancient stones most probably don’t like. They simply laser the cultural heritage, no matter if it’s a castle or a church. The laser creates “pulsating balls of light” that heat the surface for nanoseconds and the dirt simply evaporates.
The Shanxi Academy of Ancient Building Painted Sculpture & Fresco will bring their unique and new findings on their case study of multidisciplinary architectural heritage restoration. In Leipzig they will talk about the story of Dabei Hall of Chongshan Temple, a royal temple that was built in 1391 during the Ming Dynasty. Its protection succeeded thanks to a new approach to rescue protection which also includes the preventive protection as well.
So, be invited to join in Leipzig and enjoy the international atmosphere of those who are committed to the protection of cultural heritage – all over the world.