7 - 9 November 2024 denkmal

The repair principle

An overhaul after 30 years

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Fri 08. Nov

Short description

Room 3


Program overview:

10 a.m. Welcome

Heike Notz & Markus Harzenetter

10:10 a.m. The craft of the future in the repair society

Hermann Klos

10:30 a.m. Building stock system, limits and long-term opportunities of cyclical repairs

Uta Hassler

11 am From Ruskin to 'Pro-Active Maintenance'

Peter Burman

11:30 am Thirty years on Repair or Restore. Are the precepts of 'Conserve as Found' and 'Honest Repair' climate resilient?

Timothy Meek

12 pm On repair abandonment

Leo Schmidt

12:30 p.m. What is missing in practice

Christina Krafzyk & Markus Harzenetter


2 p.m. Podium

Heritage conservation and the building trade of the future

Christoph Rauhut (impulse)

Quality assurance, new training topics, limits to the reuse of used parts

Susanne Haus, Sebastian Schmäh & Rainer Leonhardt

3 p.m. Repair as an engineering task

Jürg Conzett

3:30 p.m. "Single-variety construction"

Dirk Hebel

4 p.m. Conversion as a system option

Andreas Hild

4:30 p.m. "Against artificial obsolescence"

Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani

5 p.m. Summary

Followed by a reception hosted by the VDR and DRH restorers' associations



Information about the program

Event Location

Congress Center Leipzig (CCL)