gräfix air lime plasters and swamp lime coatings
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gräfix air lime plasters and pure swamp lime plasters - natural products - unsurpassed for healthy living interiors and für the preservation of historic buildings
The increase in allergies is enormous!
Oversaturated and polluted indoor spaces with inadequate air exchange, in which we spend most of our time and which affect us daily and for many hours, pose a not inconsiderable health risk.
No other wall coating has comparable building biology properties and represents an active and ideal coating on the interior wall that absorbs and neutralises pollutants, converts air humidity into comfort and creates healthy indoor living spaces. Design coating variants are needed that support these advantages.
Furthermore, gräfix lime plaster systems are an ideal protection for the preservation of historical building fabric without creeping in through excessive strength or poor diffusion or sorption properties.
The increase in allergies is enormous!
Oversaturated and polluted indoor spaces with inadequate air exchange, in which we spend most of our time and which affect us daily and for many hours, pose a not inconsiderable health risk.
No other wall coating has comparable building biology properties and represents an active and ideal coating on the interior wall that absorbs and neutralises pollutants, converts air humidity into comfort and creates healthy indoor living spaces. Design coating variants are needed that support these advantages.
Furthermore, gräfix lime plaster systems are an ideal protection for the preservation of historical building fabric without creeping in through excessive strength or poor diffusion or sorption properties.
Ms. Manuela Scharnagel
gräfix - Wolfgang Endress Kalk- und Schotterwerk GmbH & Co. KG
Bayreuther Straße 46
Phone: +49 9192 9955-0