5 - 7 November 2026 denkmal
Thermo Lignum Warmair System
FOR MUSEUMS, STORAGE FACILITIES, COLLECTIONS, GALLERIES, ARCHIVES AND THEATERS - there are many advantages in having a dedicated in-house Thermo Lignum® WARMAIR system designed for specific needs.

·        Designed for your specific needs
·        Ready for use on site at any time
·        Quick and efficient treatment of your precious objets
·        Average treatment cycle no more than 24 hours
·        Safe eradication of all insect pests at all stages of development guaranteed
·        100 % ecological and CO2 neutral
·        Free of toxins, working without any chemicals
·        Objects can return to storage or exhibition immediately after treatment
·        System operates extremely cost efficient
·        Average consumption  of a 24 h cycle: 100 kW/h elctricity and 100 litres of water
·        Optional: special filter to decontaminate the objects if required

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Ms. Claudia Klingspigl
Marketing Manager Thermo Lignum International GmbH


Thermo Lignum International GmbH

Scherenbrandtnerhofstraße 6
5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43 662 873830

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