5 - 7 November 2026 denkmal
Thermo Lignum building treatment
The Thermo Lignum® WARMAIR process is highly efficient in combating wood pests and is equally suitable for historic roof structures of all sizes, roof trusses of detached houses and also for the treatment of entire buildings.

The process is based on the biological principle that insect protein is denatured at a temperature of 50-55°C. Once this temperature has been reached in all parts of the wood, all insects are killed safely and sustainably at all stages. The process only works with warm, humidity-controlled air, 100% ecological and non-toxic.

In contrast to the classic hot air process, the Thermo Lignum® WARMAIR process works for buildings with lower room temperatures of 65-75°C (max. 85°C) and - if necessary - with additional humidification of the room air. This greatly reduces the risk of damage to components and pipes.

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FOR MUSEUMS, STORAGE FACILITIES, COLLECTIONS, GALLERIES, ARCHIVES AND THEATERS - there are many advantages in having a dedicated in-house Thermo Lignum® WARMAIR...
About the product


Ms. Claudia Klingspigl
Marketing Manager Thermo Lignum International GmbH


Thermo Lignum International GmbH

Scherenbrandtnerhofstraße 6
5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43 662 873830

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